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@team Georgia, Tbilisi
$3000—5000 per month Middle Full time Partial remote

Basic requirements:

  • Good knowledge of Swift 5 (we work on 5.8)
  • Basic knowledge of OP frameworks (we work on RxSwift, but knowledge of ReactiveSwift or Combine is not a problem)
  • Mobile design patterns — MVC-MVP-MVVM, Session/Environment, Fabric/Fabric method, Singleton, Adapter, Delegate/Closure, etc. KISS
  • The ability to write algorithms, estimated complexity, the ability to evaluate their own and not their own algorithms
  • Git

The bonuses will be:

  • Experience with Firebase
  • Experience with Lottie
  • Experience writing custom controls of varying complexity
  • Using SpriteKit both in games and tie-ins in regular applications
  • Indie, fan, pet, maybe commercial experience of game dev